
Welcome to the Provider Search Tool. This website was created for the Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities and serves two functions:

•Providers can view profiles of consumers needing services and supports (referral search)
•Consumers can view information about providers, including live links to Providers’ web sites and email addresses  (provider search)

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities also maintains the official database of certified Provider search: Click here if you are a consumer or family member and want to search for a service provider.  http://providersearch.dodd.ohio.gov/provider_search.aspx

Referral Search: If you are a certified provider and want to search for consumer referrals, please log in, then click on Referral Search in the menu above to log in.

If you are looking for general information about the Stark County Board of Developmental Disabilities, please visit our website at www.starkdd.org

If you are an agency or individual who wants to become a provider of services, please click on the Provider Update link in the menu above.

Providers: If you do not see your agency/name in the Provider Search section, you must forward your certificate to Stark DD before we can add you to this search tool. Please contact Stacy Marcum, the Provider Support Specialist, at marcums@starkdd.org or by phone at (330) 479-3594.